Location: Anchorage, AK

The Municipality of Anchorage Project Management & Engineering Department (MOA PM&E) is planning to upgrade E. 74th Avenue, Nancy Street, Petersburg Street, and E. 75th Avenue (see map below for project limits).
Computer-generated view of Shotgun Cove Road extension

Location: Whittier, AK

The City of Whittier plans to extend Shotgun Cove Road 2.5 miles from its current terminus to Forest Service lands at Trinity Point (Mile 2.0 to 4.5) and has contracted with CRW Engineering Group to provide surveying, planning, engineering, permitting, and grant-writing services. The new two-lane gravel roadway project includes rock blasting, MSE walls, structural plate and fish passage structures, drainage facilities, guardrail, and signage as well as nine new parking areas and eight spur/access roads accessing future beach access points and future private parcels. CRW worked closely with the City, Federal Highway Administration, US Forest Service, and other agencies to develop an alignment that minimizes environmental impacts and optimizes access to federal and state lands. CRW’s survey team performed project survey and mapping and submitted deliverables on time and well under budget, providing funding for an additional design task from the City.

Location: Anchorage, AK

High groundwater and poor soils caused failed storm drainpipes, heaving roadways, and increased maintenance efforts in this east Anchorage subdivision. To address these issues, CRW provided planning, surveying, and design for full reconstruction of 4,700 feet of local roadways within the Image/Reflection Drive area. Challenges included flat grades, steep driveways, and storm drain outfall constraints. In addition to a new insulated roadway section and culvert replacement for Reflection Lake Creek, the roadways and storm drain systems were upgraded to alleviate drainage and maintenance issues and the sidewalks are safer through upgrades to pedestrian and lighting facilities. Phase 1 construction was completed in 2021, and Phase 2 construction began in 2022 and is schedule for completion in 2023.

Location: Anchorage, AK

Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) Project Management & Engineering Department (PM&E) is planning to upgrade Quinhagak Street between East Dowling Road and Askeland Drive
Photo of backhoe and grasses and snow

Location: Kivalina, AK

The NVK is expanding to a new, distant community site directly because of climate change. Increasingly severe coastal erosion and flooding will make the low-lying barrier island uninhabitable. To protect the life, health, and safety of the Kivalina people at the current site, the NVK requested grant writing support from CRW and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium to help clean up the existing landfill. This project includes the planning and design of protecting the landfill in Kivalina.

Location: Anchorage, AK

The CRW Public Involvement Team is working with CRW design engineers, Anchorage School District, Kincaid Elementary teachers, staff, and students, Sand Lake Community Council and neighborhood, as well as local stakeholders to ensure that the public is engaged and a part of the design process. Public Involvement methods for this project include community meetings, social media advertisements, youth engagement, survey distribution, and a public input analysis, which will feed into the design effort of the project.

Location: Kivalina, AK

CRW is preparing the community Master Plan for Kivalina in support of the community’s expansion to K-Hill. The Master Plan is being prepared as part of the Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract CRW holds with the Native Village of Kivalina. The work is being completed in coordination with the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium who is providing oversight. The Master Plan will evaluate needs and improvement options for the new site at K-Hill in addition to current needs at Kivalina.

Location: Cordova, AK

CRW is assisting the NVE with the development of a Housing Master Plan in Cordova. The NVE and the City of Cordova recognize that there is a significant need for housing in the community of Cordova and are working to identify funding and increase housing programs for the good of the NVE Tribal Members and all Cordova residents. The Housing Master Plan includes an analysis of existing land available for housing development, needs analysis, survey data, community and public outreach, and site development recommendations. CRW is also working with the NVE to facilitate a housing committee as part of this effort to make sure that local stakeholders are involved in the planning process.

Location: Cordova, AK

CRW is supporting the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF) and the Native Village of Eyak in developing the Copper River Highway Transportation Master Plan (CRH TMP). The CRH TMP is being prepared in accordance with Federal Highway Administration and DOT&PF’s planning requirements and will reference DOT&PF Planning and Environmental Linkages Guidebook recommendations. Goals of the CRH TMP are to: document existing conditions and efforts regarding the use of the CRH, the Million Dollar Bridge, and recreational and resource monitoring sites within the study area; collect data regarding previous and existing planning efforts focused on the study area; conduct stakeholder and public outreach to develop a vision statement for the CRH and study area; as well as identify transportation needs and issues along the CRH to and including the Million Dollar Bridge.  For more information, please visit the DOT&PF project website:https://dot.alaska.gov/nreg/copperriverhighway/

Location: Anchorage, AK

MOA PM&E plans to upgrade the existing storm drain system along Camrose Drive to alleviate ongoing surface drainage issues.