Quinhagak Sanitation Improvements

Location: Quinhagak, AK

CRW provided the planning, design, permitting, and construction management services for both the wastewater collection and treatment systems. The wastewater collection is comprised of a low-pressure piped system energized by individual grinder pump stations installed at each service connection. This above ground arctic pipe sewer system includes glycol heat trace (approx. 13,000 linear feet) and is comprised of multiple branches that combine and discharge into a 1,200-gallon tank housed in a water and sewer utility building. From here, the wastewater is pumped through a mile-long arctic pipe force main to the wastewater lagoon for treatment. The three-cell lagoon is 10-acres and was designed for a future population of 983 people and a projected flow of 55, 000 gallons per day. The design incorporated the use of wetlands for enhanced treatment and a dedicated mixing zone. Roadway improvements were incorporated into the design to provide access to the new lagoon and landfill.

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